Welcome to Class 5
What are we learning in Spring term?
This half term we are going to write biographies of famous scientists to link with our Science topic of 'Earth and Space'. After this, we will be writing portal stories. These are stories where characters are transported into a new world through a portal. We will take inspiration from books like Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Tom's Midnight Garden and The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
We will continue reading and exploring a range of texts during our Guided Reading lessons.
We will continue our work on adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers before moving onto the second unit of multiplication and division. Here we will learn how to use column method for multiplying multiple-digit numbers together and bus stop method for division.
For extra practice on times tables, Times Table Rockstars or Hit the Button (www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button) is available to access on devices. Please ask Miss Dylak if you've forgotten your TTRS login and need a copy of it. If you are struggling to gain internet access, written and oral practice is very beneficial, or Miss Dylak can print off some extra resources on request.
Our topic in RE this half term is ‘Inspirational People’. In this unit we will learn about the qualities possessed by followers of Jesus through the theme of inspirational people. Children will be introduced to inspirational followers of Jesus, like Fr. Damien and St. Josephine Bakhita and be encouraged to reflect on how they can follow Jesus in their own lives.
RE is taught by Miss Esposito in Class 5.
We are continuing our unit on Earth and Space this half term. We will find out about moon phases and how these relate to the orbit of the Earth and we will finish the unit by researching a famous scientist whose area of experience is related to space. This will link to our English unit on Biographies.
After this, we will start our unit on Living things and Animals where we will learn about life cycles of plants an animals including reproduction in plants.
This half term we will continue learning about the Ancient Greeks and how they have influenced modern life. First we will look at how democracy in Ancient Greece has had an effect on democracy in the UK today before moving onto looking at Ancient Greek myths and why they were significant.
We will then start our unit on the Victorians.
We are continuing to look at biomes and climate zones across the world. We will label these zones on world maps and explore whether there are any correlations between the two. We will also examine what impact humans have on each of these zones - both positive and negative.
This half term we will be finishing our unit on Art and Fashion. We will investigate the artist Mondrian and use his work as inspiration to design some clothes in his style.
After this, we will begin our unit on Art and Space.
Design and Technology
We will be exploring what frame structures are, what they are commonly used for and will design and build our own.
We have weekly singing lessons with Mr Rodriguez from the Diocese of Leeds singing programme.
Spanish / MFL
We will practice our speaking, listening, reading and writing skills by learning some basic vocabulary and conversational skills.
Our unit is ‘Video Production'. We will work in groups to plan, film, edit and publish videos. We will have to think about the different camera angles we can use and work out how to troubleshoot issues such as inaudible sound or making mistakes when filming recorded clips.
Our unit title is ‘Keeping Safe’. We will explore how we can keep ourselves and others safe both in and out of school. This unit will also give us the opportunity to talk about topics such as how we can make the best decisions when faced with a dilemma, online bullying and drugs.
PE this half term will be Badminton. Please ensure that children are in correct PE kit each Tuesday.