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St. Matthew's Catholic Primary School

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Welcome to Class 3


Mrs Hickey - Teacher

Mrs Waterhouse - Teaching Assistant

Miss Crawford - PPA cover (Thursday afternoon) 


Our Class saint is Kateri Tekakwitha. Her feast day is on the 14th July.

St. Kateri Tekakwitha is known as the "Lily of the Mohawks" because she lived her life with kindness and faith, like a beautiful flower blooming in the forest. Even though life was hard for her, Kateri found great joy and love in Jesus. She was baptized a Catholic when she was 20 years old. Many people admired her because she was gentle, humble, and spent her time praying and helping others. She loved being close to nature and saw God's beauty in the trees, animals, and rivers. Kateri died young, at the age of 24, but her faith and love for God inspired so many people. She became the first Native American saint in 2012! 


  • PE day is on a Tuesday. Pupils will need to wear black or navy joggers, leggings or shorts, a white t-shirt and trainers.
  • Recorder lessons will take place every Thursday morning. 
  • Reading books - Please read with your child as often as possible, as this will improve confidence and fluency. Reading books should be changed at least once a week. 
  • We aim to take the children to the library every week, so please ensure these books are brought back so they can be changed.


Spring Term 2025 


Regular times tables practice will help children within their Maths lessons. These can be practiced on Times Table Rock stars, which all children have to access to through their own personal log in. 

In Class 3, children should know the 2, 5 and 10 times tables confidently. By the end of the year, they should also be confident with 3, 4, and 8 times tables. Once these are secure, please support your child in learning the rest of the times tables, as this will help them when it comes to the statutory times tables test at the end of Year 4. 

In our Maths lessons we follow the White Rose Maths scheme. Our topics this term are multiplication and division, length and perimeter, fractions, mass and capacity. We will also be continuing to revise our arithmetic skills.


This term we will be linking our English work to our History topic of the Romans. We will use the story of Romulus and Remus to write a narrative. We will then be writing a biography about Boudicca.


Our topics this term are Light and Plants. We will be finding out the answers to the questions 'Why do we have light and dark and what is its impact on our everyday life?' and 'How do the different parts of the plant help them to grow healthily?' We will also be looking at the scientists Thomas Edison and Anna Atkins.

Religious Education

This term we will be looking at 'Jesus, the Teacher'. 

In this unit we will learn that Jesus was a teacher who came to show us how to live. We will explore Jesus’ early life and learn about his presentation in the Temple. We will know that Jesus used parables in his teaching and reflect on the meaning of the Parable of the Sower and Unforgiving Servant.

We will then complete the topic 'Called to Change'. 

In this unit we will develop our knowledge and understanding of Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness and how he helped people change for the better. We will reflect on the process of reconciliation and know that the Sacrament of Reconciliation is a celebration of God’s love and forgiveness.

At the end of the first half term we will be learning about Judaism during our Other Faith week.


During this term we will be answering the question 'What was the Roman Empire's impact on Britain?'


During this term we will be answering the questions 'Are all European countries the same?' and 'How does Barcelona differ to Bradford?'


Our topics this term are Keeping Safe and Rights and Respect.

Art / DT

Our topics this term are Linked Levers and Collage.


Our first topic this term is Programming - sequencing sounds. This unit explores the concept of sequencing in programming through Scratch. The children will be introduced to a selection of motion, sound, and event blocks which they will use to create their own programs, featuring sequences. The final project is to make a representation of a piano. 

We will then look at the topic Data and Information - branching databases. The children will develop their understanding of what a branching database is and how to create one. They will use yes/no questions to gain an understanding of what attributes are and how to use them to sort groups of objects. Learners will create physical and on-screen branching databases. 


Our topics this term are badminton and netball.